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Player Development

North Regina has a strong commitment to player development regardless of the player’s age, skill, ability or baseball experience.  It’s important to ensure that our athletes are receiving the proper level of activity and instruction appropriate for their age and skill level.  There is a national movement across most sports to provide a better focus on athlete development; to provide the optimal level of training, competition and recovery appropriate for young athletes.  Here is why Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) is important to North Regina.

Baseball Canada LTAD

LTAD is a systemic approach being developed and adopted by Baseball Canada to maximize a participant’s potential and involvement in baseball.  Tailoring a child’s sports development program to suit basic principles of growth and maturation, especially during the critical early years of development, enables them to reach full potential and increase lifelong participation in baseball and other physical activities.

National Focus on LTAD
Many successful sports programs and leagues focus on LTAD.  Martin Academy focuses on training and skill development and prepares athletes for life long involvement in the sport.  Hockey Canada has a LTAD model that helps athletes, coaches and parents find the best way to approach athlete development.  Other National Clubs that focus on LTAD include volleyballgymnasticslacrossecycling, and the list goes on.
Development Happens at Training
Baseball is unlike other sports (such as hockey or football) where an athlete is nearly fully engaged in the game at all times.  In baseball, a player may go several innings or games without being part of a play.  That is why, for baseball in particular, it is important to ensure players are receiving the appropriate amount of training  sessions to ensure they continue developing as an athlete.
More Training Sessions are Needed

An analysis of our North Regina Regular Season showed that many Divisions were not training enough, particularly in our younger, grass-roots Divisions.  We encourage coaches to hold more practices throughout the season so players have opportunities to practice their skills in a non-game setting.

Program Enhancements

North Regina has made significant improvements to our baseball programming specifically aimed at player development. 

Structured Training Sessions

We expect training sessions to be structured, focused and meaningful. To aid this, we will be creating a Guide to Coaching that includes rules for the Division, guidelines for coaching a team, areas of focus for each Division and Tier and sample training plans and drills. Coaches will also have access to mentors who will be available for consultation or to help with training sessions.

Developmental 'A' Tier

We have introduced an A Tier in those Divisions where registration numbers and skill sets require it. This Tier is for players just beginning their baseball careers and will be very focused on learning the ins and outs of baseball. The creation of an A Tier will help ensure the consistency of skill level in the AA and AAA Tiers and create a heightened level of competition.

treaty 4 flag

North Regina Little League acknowledges our operation on Treaty 4 territory, ancestral lands of the Cree, Salteaux, Dakota, Nakota, Lakota, and the traditional homeland of the Metis.

Contact Us

Physical Location:

Kinsmen Park – 750 Pasqua Street

Mailing Address: 

#250-918 Albert Street

Regina, SK – S4R 2P7

Email Address: contactus@nrll.ca