Executive Committees
North Regina is run 100% by volunteers, and we could not be more grateful for this team of dedicated, self-less, baseball fanatics who work tirelessly to make North Regina an amazing baseball league. Our Executive is organized into committees who meet regularly to discuss feedback, brainstorm ideas and implement initiatives to continue improving the North Regina baseball experience. If you see any of these folks around the park, give them a wave and thank them for being awesome!
Committee Chair: James Stewart & Janel Walter
T-Ball Commissioner: Ryan Johnson
Junior Rookie Commissioner: Ryan Johnson
Senior Rookie Commissioner: Jason Sorrell
Minor Commissioner: Krista Stewart
Major Commissioner: Scott Young
IJS Commissioner: Cole Lawson
Fall-Ball Commissioner: VACANT
Challenger Coordinator: Elyse Gusway | Darren Potter
Evaluations: Derek Leach
Player|Coach Development: Aaron Matthies
Committee Chair: Curtis Trann
Park Maintenance: Don Stallberg
Umpire in Chief: Tyler Blenkin
Equipment Manager: James McDonald | Brett Birnie
Member At Large: Darren Rumpel
Committee Chair: Savanna Matthies
Communications: Savanna & Aaron Matthies
Merchandise Coordinator: VACANT
Uniforms: Krista Strewart
Canteen Manager: VACANT
Committee Chair: Shawna Lechner-Rumpel
Registrar: Kara Halbgewachs
Scheduler: Lori McQueen
Treasurer: Shawna Lechner-Rumpel

North Regina Little League acknowledges our operation on Treaty 4 territory, ancestral lands of the Cree, Salteaux, Dakota, Nakota, Lakota, and the traditional homeland of the Metis.
Contact Us
Physical Location:
Kinsmen Park – 750 Pasqua Street
Mailing Address:
#250-918 Albert Street
Regina, SK – S4R 2P7
Email Address: contactus@nrll.ca