League Policies
A good website is not complete without some legal and policy information to protect the integrity of our league and ensure we’re on the right side of the law. Please take a read through this information and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Regular Season Refund Policy
We understand that sometimes life happens and circumstances might require your child to withdraw from our program. If that happens, here is how refunds work:
- If you withdraw prior to the Evaluation date, your Registration Fees will be refunded in full less a $30 Administrative Fee.
- If you withdraw after the Evaluation date, your Registration Fees will be refunded in full less a $30 Administrative Fee and the $40 Evaluation Fee (if your player evaluated).
- If you withdraw after the season has started (including pre-season practices), a pro-rated refund of Registration Fees will be granted less a $30 Administrative Fee and the $40 Evaluation Fee (if your player evaluated).
Baseball is an emotional sport and passionate responses from players, coaches and parents is understandable. North Regina has implemented a 24-Hour Cool Down Policy to help defuse emotional situations and minimize heated confrontations. We believe it’s in everyone’s best interest if we take some time to cool down and approach the situation with a calmer perspective. For that reason, coaches are advised not to engage in discussion with a spectator about an incident or situation that occurred during the game until at least 24 hours later. As a spectator, we request that you not approach a coach to discuss an incident or situation until everyone has had a chance to cool down.
By having everyone respect the 24-Hour Cool Down Policy, we believe concerns can be fully discussed and a suitable solution can be reached. This helps preserve the respectful, family atmosphere at our park and increases our player’s enjoyment of the game.
Here is the information from the Liability Waiver you would have agreed to during registration.
On behalf of myself and my child, I hereby discharge and release North Regina Little League (NRLL) and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, agents and their volunteers from all claims, actions or damages, however caused, in connection with my child’s participation with North Regina Little League (NRLL). This waiver shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Saskatchewan, including all federal laws of Canada applicable therein. I have read over and fully understand all the terms and conditions of this waiver.
Here is the information from the Media Waiver you would have agreed to during registration.
I hereby consent, grant, and give permission to Little League Baseball Canada and to any and all sponsors and/or licensees of Little League Baseball Canada, to perpetually or otherwise use, exploit, adapt, modify, reproduce, distribute, publicly display and publicly perform, throughout the world in any and all forms whether now known or later developed, the image, name, voice, or likeness of the above listed minor in any and all commercial exploits, promotional materials and announcements, publications, media releases, or advertisements, electronic or otherwise (“Works”) and waive all rights to the same. I agree that neither the above listed minor, nor I, will receive any compensation whatsoever for the granting of this release, if such image, name, voice, or likeness appears in any Works, or from any proceeds of any utilized Work. I understand that such image, name, voice, likeness, or resulting Work is solely the property of Little League Baseball Canada in perpetuity. In addition, I understand that Little League Baseball Canada may supply such image, name, voice, likeness, or resulting Work to, or for the use and publication by, a third party commercial enterprise including use by a corporate sponsor or licensee of Little League Baseball Canada in or for any commercial venture or advertisement, without my permission so long as such entity has a relationship with Little League Baseball Canada.
This policy allows players to evaluate for the age group above their appropriate Division provided they meet the following requirements.
- The player must be entering their second year in the appropriate Division.
- The player must rank in the top five of players evaluated for their appropriate Division.
- The Player Agent Committee must agree that the player is ready to move up based on conversations with references provided. Readiness will be based on the player’s level of maturity, leadership and knowledge of the game.
If all of the above criteria is met, the player would be offered the opportunity to evaluate for the older Division. The player must then rank in the top 80% of the evaluated players deemed eligible to be drafted in the AAA Division. The player will not be able to play in AA in the higher age Division.
Process to Apply
- Complete the Playing Up a Division Waiver before the close of Regular Season registration. Submit the waiver to contactus@nrll.ca
- The Player Agent Committee will review the waiver and contact references to determine the player’s readiness for moving up.
- Parents will be notified prior to evaluations if the readiness criteria has been met.
- Player will attend evaluations for their appropriate age Division.
- If the wavier was approved and the player placed in the top 5 of their Division, they will be invited to participate in the higher Divisions evaluations. This will happen very quickly so families must be ready to attend the higher Division evaluations or forfeit the waiver.
- If the player places in the top 80% of eligible players for the higher Division, they will be placed on a AAA team. If they don’t make the top 80% they will return to their appropriate age Division. The player cannot play AA in the higher Division.
- If any of the criteria are unmet along the way, the player will return to their appropriate age Division and be drafted accordingly.
As a youth organization we are very concerned about privacy and have taken measures to ensure our content and offerings help protect an individual’s privacy. For more information, please see the Little League Privacy Policy.
Please note that there will be a $20 fee for all NSF cheques and a $25 fee for Credit Card chargebacks.
We can and do play baseball in the rain but we always put player safety first. If a thunderstorm is approaching and lightning can be seen, it is advisable to vacate the diamond immediately.
We strive to assess diamond conditions by 4 PM each weekday. At that time, North Regina Little League will decide whether games will proceed, be delayed, or be canceled.
During the play of a game, the decision to suspend or prematurely end the game due to lightning is at the discretion of the umpires, the league, or the clubhouse manager. It is crucial to remain calm during thunderstorms to prevent panic among younger players. If anyone at the game believes lightning has occurred, they should immediately inform a team coach, who will notify the umpires. The decisions made by the umpires and league officials must be accepted and respected by all parents.
Play cannot resume until 30 minutes have passed since the last sighting of lightning. If the thirty-minute period expires without a re-occurrence of lightning, the game shall resume.
Please note:
These calls may be made last minute. The weather in Saskatchewan is very unpredictable.
Always Assume the Game is to be Played: If the League has not contacted you, check the website and Facebook page. If there is no message about cancellation, proceed to your game location.
Rescheduling Rained-Out Games: The Scheduler will work diligently to reschedule any rained-out games as quickly as possible. Coaches are not to re-schedule the games on their own.
North Regina Little League wishes to inform you that high-risk air quality (Level 7 or higher) will be considered unplayable conditions, and all games will be canceled if this determination is made 60 minutes before game start time.
When play is occurring under an Air Health Quality Index of 1-6, all coaches and spectators are advised to be vigilant for symptoms of poor air quality affecting any individual present, including players, coaches, umpires, and spectators. Symptoms include coughing, dry eyes/nose/mouth, aggravation of asthma, difficulty breathing, chest pains, irregular breathing patterns, wheezing, shortness of breath, and uncomfortable awareness of breathing. If symptoms arise, individuals should seek shelter indoors as soon as possible. Experiencing three or more symptoms, or severe forms of any symptom, may warrant seeking medical help. North Regina Little League encourages anyone identifying an emergency to call 9-1-1 immediately.
North Regina Little League supports any player's and their family's decision to be absent from an event due to health concerns, especially if underlying medical conditions exist. We strongly encourage openness with the team’s coaches and umpires if a player chooses to attend despite concerns, and request that a parent or guardian remain in attendance with the player to monitor their well-being. The parent or guardian is responsible for supervising and administering any required medications for the player.
Playing in a Canadian Little League Championship is a dream for many children. Often players
will join a little league later in their baseball career in order to have an opportunity to play in a
national championship. Although we encourage this, we also want to protect the loyal players
who have played Little League all the way through. With this in mind, the following policy is in
effect immediately for the formation of all All-Star teams.
- 80% of the team must be players who have played Little League the season prior. This
includes North Regina, Kiwanis and Moose Jaw Little League. This also includes
players who are new to Regina or new to baseball. - 20% of the team may be players who played for a different baseball league the
season prior, up to a maximum of 3 players. Board approval is required to increase
this maximum.
Rosters for tournament play are as follows:
▪ Minor|Major|Intermediate|Junior – min is 12 players, max is 14 players
▪ Senior – min is 12 players, max is 16 players
Coaches must coach at North Regina for two consecutive years in order to head coach
an All-Star Team. Board approval is required to waive this requirement.

North Regina Little League acknowledges our operation on Treaty 4 territory, ancestral lands of the Cree, Salteaux, Dakota, Nakota, Lakota, and the traditional homeland of the Metis.
Contact Us
Physical Location:
Kinsmen Park – 750 Pasqua Street
Mailing Address:
#250-918 Albert Street
Regina, SK – S4R 2P7
Email Address: contactus@nrll.ca